Tours in Jerusalem

My tours are tailored for different audiences. I believe in the combination of history, heritage, culture and experience. You are invited to explore the various tours, and if you have not found what you are looking for contact me and together we will build a unique experience for you.

Explore My tours

Musical Selichot Tour in Jerusalem

Every year in the month of Elul, Jerusalem comes alive with a symphony of sounds. Each community has a representative in the city, and during this period, poems of forgiveness echo from the windows of synagogues. The footsteps of passers-by heading to the Western Wall or returning home from prayer

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Culinary Tour at Mahne Yehuda Market

On rocky ground on the road leading from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, every day hawkers would come and slice their wares. The Nachlaot neighborhood, which was built during the process of exiting the old city’s walls in Jerusalem, was immeasurably far from the Old City in those days, and trade

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Three Religions in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a human mosaic of religions: on a normal day, those sitting at the Jaffa Gate will be able to see a priest, a rabbi and an Imam all going to their house of prayer. How did one city, in a non-central location, become an important city in three

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Archeological Tour of Jerusalem

In Jerusalem, every stone sits on top of its older sister: there is almost no place around the city without a piece of history hidden underground. Those interested in archeology will enjoy the abundance of excavated sites that the city has to offer: from the Iron Age (also called the

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Biblical Tour of Jerusalem

Jerusalem is where many of the Bible stories happened. I invite you to open the bible, your mind and come with me to an extraordinary journey. About three thousand years ago Jerusalem was a city full of prophets and kings. Dozens of clay seals, some bearing the names of ministers

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