About Me

Hello everyone!

My name is Gal, meaning wave in Hebrew, a suitable name for me who loves the sea more than everything ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

I have been a tour guide in Israel since 2011. Many times people tell me that I have the best job – and I say, I completely agree! My job requires meeting with other people, exposing them to the unique Israeli culture, travel, taste, explore and basically – have fun. My jobย  is to ensure that your trip to Israel will be no less than amazing.

Since March 2019, traveling to Israel has become harder, for a long time foreigners could not enter the country.ย  Therefore, Iโ€™ve started my online tours – so nowadays you can book a tour and travel the holy land, even when getting here is still impossible for you, for whatever reason.ย 

I invite you to explore my website and see the different options for traveling to Israel. If you have any questions, if you want to consult with me or to learn more, donโ€™t hesitate to contact me here, and let the adventure begin.

Let's make an adventure